Federal 12 Gauge Shoty Shotgun Shells
$25.00 Plus S&H
Federal 10 Round Box of 12 Gauge Shorty Shells, 1 3/4 inch, #4 Buck Shot. Can be used in exterior perimeter defense mines, but are illegal in most areas.
Sold and used at buyer's own risk. Please check all laws in your area before using. Can cause serious injury even death to animals or humans.
Any questions about use or to place an order, please contact us -
Everything 37mm and Exotic
Phone: 480 955 9130
Email: Info@everything37mmandexotic.com
JS Firearms Sales and Accessories LLC, Everything 37mm and Exotic, Camping, Hiking, Perimeter Defense, Grenades, Explosives, Fireworks, 37mm, M203 Launchers, M79, Chalk Rounds, Flash Rounds, Manufacturing, Build to Soot, 40mm, Tear Gas, Non Lethal Defense, Throwing Knives, Throwing Stars, Stink Bombs, Bulk Ammo, Ammunition, Trail Cameras, Cross Bows, Archery, Paintball, Air Soft, Flame Throwers, Gatling Guns, Tracer Ammo, Golf Ball Launchers, Gunsmith Services, Flare Guns, Flares, 26mm, Grappling Hooks, Rope Ladders, Bowling Ball Mortars, Firearm Appraisals, Gun Ownership, Best Buy 4 Guns, Coupons, Life Time Warranty, Exotic Ammo, 12 Gauge, 410, 20 Gauge, Shotgun Shells, Hunting Ammo, Target Ammo, Self Defense Ammo, Armor Piercing, USMC, US Military, NATO, Veterans, Veteran Owned Company, Smoke Bombs, Thumper, Gun Shop, Explosives, Tire Spikes, Warning Signs, Law Enforcement, Antiques, Mailing List, Pre Order, Pre Payment, Payment Methods, Knives, Swords, Throwing Axes, Throwing Darts, Pepper Spray, Stun Guns, Used Equipment, Military Surplus, Used Launchers, Firearm Repairs, Belt Fed, Ammo Packs, Chemicals, Cleaning Kits, Reloading Supplies, Coast Guard, Laser Engraving, Reusable 37mm Aluminum Canisters, 37mm Plastic Casings, Shotgun Primers, Black Powder, Pistol Primers, Hornets Nest, BeeHive, 12 Gauge Inserts, 26mm Inserts, 380 Caliber Insert, 9mm Insert, 410 Insert, NFA Items, 60mm, 105mm, 155mm, Bowling Ball Mortars, Novelty Ammo, Fireworks
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Everything 37mm & Exotic
A Division of
JS Firearms Sales & Accessories, LLC

A small business owned and operated by a Veteran and a minority female
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